Board of Directors
KIWANIS - Lubbock Leaders
Club members nominate and elect the club officers and board members who have the talent and determination to guide the club through the year.
A club's board of directors is composed of elected directors and club officers. Most of the business of the club is handled by the board of directors. The board determines the policies and activities of the club, approves the budget and bills to be paid, gives counsel to committees and handles general management of the club.
We thank our Board of Directors for their time and service!
2023-2024 Officers
President: Tom Andrews
President-Elect: Joe Phea
Vice President: David Mallard
Secretary: Paul Rostad
Treasurer: Cindy Ham
Immediate Past President: Debby Conn
Directors/Board Members
Class of 2022-2024
David Cook
Kim Davis
Wayne Kohout
Luke Mason
Class of 2023-2025
Sandra Andrews
Lequice Kohout
David Medrano
Carmen Vige