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Join Us

Ready to help children and families in your community? Ready to change the world? Kiwanis is ready for you! Altogether, more than 7,000 Kiwanis clubs make Kiwanians a powerful force for serving children and changing lives. Each club is an independent entity, with its own traditions and priorities.


Kiwanis club members believe in service. We care about children. We're interested in the community around us because the community matters to us.

We're people like you. Friends. Neighbors. Volunteers who want to make a difference. And we love to see the difference we can make when we work together.


Benefits of Joining

Study after study shows that volunteering with an organization like Kiwanis does more than make people feel good. Volunteering enhances social networks, improves mental health and contributes to higher levels of happiness, self-esteem, self-worth and life satisfaction.

Volunteers develop life skills and leadership abilities that can lead to employment opportunities.


Plus, Kiwanis is the safety net that creates opportunities for children to be curious, safe and healthy regardless of the community in which they live.

Kiwanis is a positive influence in locations worldwide with a dream that all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive.


As the Kiwanis Club of Lubbock members invites you to join our network, build new friendships and come to have fun!



Thank you for your interest in becoming a member!

​​Call us:

(806) 646-0106

Meeting Information:

Every Thursday at 12 PM

River Smith's (406 Avenue Q, Lubbock, TX 79401)

© 2021 Kiwanis Club of Lubbock - Webmaster Tom Andrews
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